pre-dinner stretch behind bear bbq. cow is in his car (naturally!!).

inside bear's bbq. not at all what eye expected, despite BK and his friend warning us about it. place was big and smelled of tasty bbq though.

eye got a dish called bear attack, which is pretty much cornbread topped with mac & cheese and your choice of meat. i chose brisket for my meat; would choose pork instead if eye went back (and probably mac attack instead of bear attack). i also seemingly sillily chose a side of cornbread and mac & cheese in addition to the same items already being in the dish. this turned out to be okay, as the mac & cheese was good and the cornbread side tasted way better than the cornbread that was under the mac & cheese and meat.

BK looks perturbed; Ryan looks disturbed. Don't worry; i didn't get killed or even hurt (i have LOTS of pics of angry looking people btw).

pig right outside the joint

hard to make out, but that's an RS7 in grey heading out. guy musta been trying to save gas; we didn't get to hear the engine...

heading back to the cars. yes, cow was with us this whole time.

icecream trucks and wannabe rape van

der Blue Beast

cow and bk with their respective vehicles

heading out from bear's. we drive our own cars first to some random apartment complex/shopping building.

nice view of cow's rack

meeting at above mentioned apartment/shopping building

MOAR Blue Beast!!

BK and the Silver Civic

driving bk's civic behind bk and ryan in cow's buick. didn't get used to the civic til we got to the rendezvous point (which was the high school).

sitting in cow's buick. took a good 3-5 minutes to relearn how to drive it. eye wuss scared.

trying to drive the buick while following bk and ryan in the Blue Beast. talk about scary.

meeting back at the weird apartment/shopping place. not sure why we parked in the dark on the side this time. cop came in and parked not far from us to monitor a nearby sidestreet.

cowmobile and bkmobile. cowmobile's lights not as bright as they appear.

heading up 91 to enfield for magazine reading and drinkage at b&n. was not far behind cow for a while (probably unbeknownst to him). i gather he took back roads home after getting off of 91.

b&n ftw
Wish eye got a good shot of Hartford (actually, it's possible i did; will have to check...). driving into hartford was like walking into the emerald city.