In the past we have attempted to clean up the language, context (how words are used in a sentence) and attitudes towards other posters on the Standardshift forum. The past attempts have been more of a self-governing system, with the rules being publicly displayed and the hope that members would police their own posts.
This has effectively failed.
We are now implementing a "three-strike" policy in regards to language, context, and attitude on SS.
Section I
First let me define "language, context, and attitude"
Inappropriate language includes bypassing the swear filter (i.e., sh1t, f*ck, etc.), using slang terms for body parts (i.e., tits, dick, etc.), and using words that are known to carry a bad meaning (i.e., Jap, Kraut, etc.).
Appropriate use of profanity may read something like this: "what the hell happened to your car?" or "the damn thing broke in my hands." As long as this is not abused, this is permissible.
It should also be noted that images with language or inappropriate visuals of a pornographic (or suggestively pornographic nature), hatred towards races or religions, or directed in an "offensive" manner towards a member will also be included in this policy.
Context includes how the profanity or words with a bad meaning are used. For example, "go to hell, screenname123" is inappropriate. ". . . because he is (insert race)" is also inappropriate.
Finally, attitudes. This is more difficult to define. I understand that not everyone will get along in life. What I ask is two things: 1) you do not "call someone out." For example, if you make a post that is blatantly enticing someone to fight (not argue, but fight), you will be warned. 2) If you respond to an someone trying to make you fight. You both will be warned. All you have to do is PM a mod if someone is being inappropriate or displaying a bad attitude towards you.
Section II
What follows is the policy:
Starting Friday Aug. 1st (posting date), the first time we see the aforementioned inappropriate kinds of language, context & attitudes, the member will receive a warning and a message explaining why. The message will review our 3-strike policy and tell the member the next step is a temp-ban.
If the poster repeats the offense, we will issue a temporary ban. Depending on the offense, this ban will be anywhere from a few days to over a week. The member will be sent a PM explaining our 3-strike policy and that the next step is a permanent ban.
The third and last offense will be a permanent ban. Yup - it's harsh, but two warnings are plenty. There is no 4th strike. The member is permanently banned. No if's, and's, or but's. There will be no "I didn't know about the policy" pleas.
Section III
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns about this policy, please post them in this thread. I will leave this announcement opened only to questions/suggestions - all other posts will be deleted. I understand that some of you will find this policy too harsh. Unfortunately, the time for self-reform has passed and this policy is deemed necessary.
In my opinion, the attractiveness of SS is the fact that it is a "safe haven" from a lot of the offensiveness of the internet. We want to keep it this way. Remember, the words you say are only heard, but the words you type are written into the internet and represent not only yourself, but the community of which you are a part. Please keep that in mind.
We are here to assist beginners in their learning of a manual transmission and to actively promote passion and community among driving standard shift.

Thank you,
The Standardshift Team