Same. But the key is to be concise. It's funny, through my school career, the word count limits go like: 500 (Grade --> 3000 (Grade 12) --> 1000-1500 (First Year) --> 15,000 (Current).watkins wrote:Thats what? One paragraph. Maybe a page at most? I was writing minimum of two or three pages per lab report back in high school.carsncars wrote:^ 1000 is too much. That's almost the length of the first-year physics lab reports I'm marking.
IMO it's harder to write a short report. You have to be concise and to-the-point, and decide which information is relevant and which isn't. Complete data tables are attached; your job is to analyze relevant information. It's a good skill to learn. 3000-word-limits in Grade 12 when only 1500 are really needed make people sloppy--you get phrases like, "In the end, my partner and I were able to conclude, based on our observations, that the absolute temperature was increased by the occurrence of the exothermic reaction." --> "The exothermic reaction increased absolute temperature."
Otherwise when you get to upper years and you really do need 15,000-30,000 words of information, they'll wind up being 60,000 words instead.